Thursday, August 03, 2006

A varied edition of "Warrior Spirit", a print from a past exhange ... Because I had a sheet of Mexican bark paper, I decided to pull four of these. I found bark paper doesn't tear in a pleasant fashion, so beware if you plan to use this paper for smaller prints.

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Una edicion variada de 'Warrior Spirit', un grabado que hice para un intercambio pasado de Porque me quede una hoja de papel de corteza mejicana, decidi sacar cuatro del imagen. Descubri que ese papel de corteza no rompe facilmente por eso les advierto que si planean usar este papel para grabados pequenos... tengan cuidado.


Barbara Carr said...

Hi Diane- Have you tried first wetting the line that you want to tear? If you run a watercolor brush loaded with plain water along a straightedge, wait about half a minute for the water to soak in, then tear, it sometimes hepls and gives a nice furry edge. For really rough paper, you might have to put the water on twice, waiting longer in between. Nice print!
Barbara C

Diane Cutter said...

Of course, Barbara!!! Thank you! That makes a lot of sense...