Friday, August 25, 2006

Homeland Security at work...

While I was at the Baren Summit in Vancouver (WA) I decided to buy printmaking supplies at McClain's and bring them back in my suitcase to save a bit on postage. I returned home late last night and already knew my bag had been searched since I received the standard TSA (Transportation Security Administration) literature on top of my clothes and toiletries. But imagine my surprise when I saw the TSA/Homeland Security tape on the solar plates' protective cardboard. The plates were at the very bottom of a very overweight (58 pounds) suitcase full of knives, inks, gouges and asundry printmaking items. It revives my faith in the anti-terrorist airport screening!

Mientras asisti la reunion del grupo Baren en Vancouver (estado de Washington), compre varios implementos y placas solares en McClain's trayendolos en mi equipaje para evitar el costo de enviarlos por correo. Regrese anoche y supe que abrieron mi maleta porque encontre la literatura usual del Administracion de Seguridad de Transportacion (TSA) colocada encima de mi ropa. Pero imaginate mi sorpresa cuando vi la cinta de TSA/Homeland Security en el carton protectiva de mis placas solares. Las placas estaban colocadas en el fondo de mi maleta (de sobrepeso), tambien llena de toda clase de implementos para grabado relieve. Este me restablece mi fe en el personal de seguridad anti-terrorista de nuestros aeropuertos!

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