Monday, July 16, 2007

'Rainforest', woodcut, 7"x10"
'Selva Tropical', grabado de madera, 18cmX26cm
My contribution for the Baren #32 Print Exchange, which is collated and waiting for the last prints. In this woodcut I wanted to give the dense feel of tropical vegetation with it's old trees, vines, and bromeliads. Fortunately with El Yunque National Forest just a few miles away, I have plenty of inspiration.
Mi contribucion para el 32mo Intercambio de Grabados del grupo Baren, que esta listo, solo faltando unos grabados mas. En este grabado de madera quizo dar la sensacion de la vegetacion densa de la selva tropical con los arboles viejos, las enredaderas, y los bromeliad. Afortunadamente con el Parque Nacional El Yunque solo unas millas distante, tengo mucha inspiracion.


Marissa L. Swinghammer said...

Another lovely piece. I am enjoying watching your work develop.

Diane Cutter said...

Thanks, Marissa... I've been charmed by the work of other woodcut artists, especially the engravers, and have been striving for more representational work in my woodcuts... My monoprints are still very abstract but I love the detail when working with wood. I find both ways of working a lovely balance from getting too loose or too tight.

Barbara Carr said...

Gorgeous print, Diane! Your choice of paper adds to the lushness (if that's a word).
Barbara Art

Annie B said...

Ditto Barbara on the great choice of paper. Nice work; it does have the detail I associate with engraving. What type of wood did you use?

Diane Cutter said...

Thanks, Barbara and Annie...

The paper is Daniel Smith's 'natural mulberry', which has a slight yellow-green cast to it, with flecks of gray mulberry in it. It also thrills me that the paper is partly recycled, not always an easy thing to fine in nice printmaking papers.

Annie... The wood is McClain's all-ply shina. I took Maria Arango's advice of letting the wood 'slurp' in oil and have experienced no splintering.

I'm not brave enough yet to try engraving but I dearly love looking at Andy English's work. It really inspires me to be better.

Anonymous said...

Hello Diane,
this is a very nice print,really great work !
all the best