Sunday, March 11, 2007

"Thoughts of Red", monotype, using Akua-Kolors on Arches 88 paper.
This was done on plexiglass and then with masking I made the vertical lines. The speckles were actually an accidental bleed-through when doing the masking but, after my initial horror, I decided it 'made' the print. (Private collection... mine.)
"Pensamientos del Rojo", monotipo, usando tinta Akua-Kolor con papel Arches 88.
Fue hecho en plexi y luego use bloques de papel para crear las lineas verticales. Las motitas fueron un accidente inesperado cuando puse los bloques pero, despues del desmayo inicial, decidi que las 'hicieron' el grabado. (Coleccion privada... la mia.)


Anonymous said...

I think you're right. The materials asserting themselves are often what makes the print even if we thing at first it's ruined. The speckles add a texture that's really rich.

Diane Cutter said...

Thanks for visiting, Jenn... Yes, the speckles moved that monoprint from boring to wonderful. I find that, especially with monoprints, there are serendipitous moments that are total magic. If I tended more toward realism I probably wouldn't feel that way.