Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 6 and another pastel / Dia 6 y otro pastel

'Anchorage 2' ~ 'Anclaje 2'
Pastel ~ 4"x6" (10cm x 15cm)

Another Caribbean anchorage scene...  I'm enjoying the pastel mini pieces immensely.  After working so long in printmaking, which has many steps, the change to pastel is refreshing both because it's quick and it's colorful.

Otra escena de un anclaje caribeno...  Estoy gozando inmensamente estas pinturas mini en pastel.  Despues de trabajar tanto con el grabado, un proceso de muchos estapas, el cambio es refrescante porque es rapido y colorido.


Ellen Shipley said...

So soft. And the colors!

Diane Cutter said...

Thanks, Ellen... I'm having a ball working on these especially after so many years of monochromatic woodcuts!

photo to painting said...
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