'Roadrunner' ~ 'Correcaminos'
Woodcut ~ Grabado en madera
Edition/edicion: 40
Size/tamano: 6.75"x5.25" / 17cmx13cm
Woodcut ~ Grabado en madera
Edition/edicion: 40
Size/tamano: 6.75"x5.25" / 17cmx13cm
You might remember my roadrunner photo when I was in New Mexico last winter. Here he is, in all his glory, the New Mexico state bird. Most of you know him from his cartoon antics but this admirable bird mates for life and is a wonderful parent, both male and female tending to their young.
Available on eBay.
Quizas acuerden el foto del correcamino que tome cuando estuve en Nuevo Mejico el invierno pasado. Aqui esta, en todo su gloria, el pajaro estatal de Nuevo Mejico. La mayoria de vos le conocen por sus aventuras en los dibujos animados pero este pajaro admirable se une para toda la vida y los dos, macho y hembra, ambos cuidan a su cria.
Disponible en eBay.
Available on eBay.
Quizas acuerden el foto del correcamino que tome cuando estuve en Nuevo Mejico el invierno pasado. Aqui esta, en todo su gloria, el pajaro estatal de Nuevo Mejico. La mayoria de vos le conocen por sus aventuras en los dibujos animados pero este pajaro admirable se une para toda la vida y los dos, macho y hembra, ambos cuidan a su cria.
Disponible en eBay.
This is a great print. You've really captured the 'essence' of Roadrunner!
Love your Roadrunner! We lived with them in So. CA and they are wonderful fellas. One zipped daily around the parking lot at the college & was such fun to watch.
Thanks, Terry & Sharri... This guy has lived in my parents' neighborhood for several years now. He's quite a character and relatively 'tame'. I find them rather elegant birds.
Beautifully composed image. Never seen one in real life here in the UK but would love to.
Thanks, Cathy... They are my favorite bird; they have tremendous personality.
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