Friday, February 06, 2009

After two months of travel, I'm back home in my studio. I expect these deer will find themselves the subject of a woodcut. We spied them along the dusty road in the Bosque de Apache National Wildlife Refuge, just 20 miles south of Socorro, New Mexico. It's a haven for migrating birds, northern visitors seeking warmer winter climes. The best time to visit is sunrise and sunset for the 'fly out' and 'fly in' of the birds. Of course, we were there around noon so saw few birds (cranes, geese) but we did catch these shy deer cautiously watching me approach with my camera.


Despues de dos meses de viaje, estoy de nuevo en mi estudio. Espero que estes ciervos sean models para un grabado de madera. Los habiamos espiado al lado del camino polvoriento en el Bosque de Apache National Wildlife Refuge (parque nacional) a solo 32 kilometros al sur de Socorro, Nuevo Mexico. Es un refugio para aves migrando para el invierno del norte lejano al clima mas templado. El mejor tiempo para visitar es el amanecer y el atardecer para el vuelo en masa de los parajos. Claro... estuvimos alla al mediodia entonces vimos pocos aves (garzas, gansos) pero si espiabamos estes ciervos timidos vigilandome acercandoles con mi camera.


Anita said...

Diane! Welcome back! You were missed! These deer will make a wonderful print - looking forward to seeing this and other lovely prints from you.

Diane Cutter said...

Thanks, Anita... It feels good to be back! I meant to comment a bit ago about your little color studies last month. They are delightful!

Annie B said...

New Mexico -- yumm! Yes, I can see a woodcut brewing here. Welcome home.

Diane Cutter said...

Thanks, Annie. I've been loving your 'pilgrim' pieces... especially the grafitti one!