Monday, February 13, 2012

Moses in the Bulrushes ~ Moises en las plantas de papiro

  'Moses in the Bulrushes' ~ 'Moises en las plantas de papiro'
Here's a new linocut, 3.75"x6" for a print exchange which has a water theme.  My press bed is frozen up so I'm having to print these with a ball-bearing baren and a spoon since I chose Arches 88, a bit heavy for this method of printing.   I've got 10 more to go for the exchange (46 total) and then I'm golden.
Aqui tienes un nuevo grabado en linoleo, 9.5cm x 15cm, para un intercambio que lleva como tema el agua.  Estoy teniendo problemas con mi 'press' que parece 'congelado' entonces los estoy sacando con un baren tipo ball-bearing y una cuchara de madera.  El razon por esto es que los estoy sacando en un papel Arches 88 que es un poco grueso para este metodo de grabar.  Tengo 10 mas (46 en total) y puedo relajar un poco.
Para los de vos que hablan 'grabado' en castellano, por favor, advisanme cuando no uso la palabra correcta.  Todo mi educacion de grabado ha sido en ingles y el diccionario es inutil con palabras tan especificas.  Mil gracias...


Sharri said...

Very nice! I'm hoping to get back to actually printing one of these days. So far I am still into engraving the copper plate. I think Moses would be pleased with you!

Diane Cutter said...

I've been following your progress in your blog, Sharri... That copper looks beautiful.

Maria Pinto said...


Whitney Broadaway said...

I love this print! Your composition and textures come together especially well in this one. I am especially impressed that you burnished these all by hand- not only is it time consuming (especially for 46 prints!) but my blacks never come out this rich when I hand print!

I would love to know how you find all of these print exchanges to participate in!

Diane Cutter said...

Whitney & MaRegina... Thanks for the compliments.

Whitney... I have to admit that hand burnishing is quite a chore, so much so that I'm devoting this next week to getting my press working again.

First off, I print dry to avoid tearing up the paper on the back side. The ink used here was Daniel Smith Traditional Black. I used the ball-bearing baren first but to get better coverage (and fewer white spots), I did some spot burnishing with the spoon.

If you very carefully lift one side while holding down the print on the other side, you can check what needs more burnishing. Sometimes I actually roll a bit more ink in the trouble areas.

The big down side on doing it this way is that my prints take forever to dry (all that extra inking that isn't necessary when using a press).

Diane Cutter said...

Ah, I forgot to mention... Go to and check out the Exchange sign-ups there. They happen often and it's a beautiful way to improve your skills as well as start a print collection from some mighty fine artists.

hawkins travel / painting blog said...

Hi Diane, great prints! Todo bien padre! Si, los mocosos son mis sobrinos...I think they found this little canto on line somewhere so I assume it's new. Q' cotorreo no?!

Diane Cutter said...

Darling ditty but we won't translate it here... LOL I need to maintain my dignity!

Shelley Whiting's art said...

A very bold and eye catching artwork. I love the design. It is very bold and stylish.