Sunday, October 11, 2009

'North Juneau Roof' ~ 'Techo en el norte de Juneau'
Woodcut ~ Grabado en Madera
8.25" x 5.25" ~ 21 cm x 13.5 cm
Edition/edicion: 50

My newest Alaskan inspired print actually came from a roof in downtown Juneau but this woodcut is part of a series of cardinal directions so the title contains the word 'north'. This, for me traveling from Puerto Rico, is very North. I might not have noticed this salmon weather vane but there was one of Alaska's many ravens sitting below it. What could be more iconic for Alaska than a salmon and raven. In fact, I have another woodcut in the works... a raven (which I must have been in another life).


El grabado mas recien mio actualmente viene de un techo en el centro del pueblo de Juneau (Alaska) pero, como este grabado es parte de una serie de las direcciones cardinales, el titlo contiene la palabra 'norte'. Este, para mi viajando de Puerto Rico, es sumamente norte. Quizas no hubiera visto esta veleta de un salmon pero habia un cuervo sentado abajo. Que pudiera ser icono para Alaska que un salmon y un cuervo. En realidad, estoy cortando otro grabado en madera... un cuervo (que pienso que fuera en otra vida).

Saturday, October 10, 2009

'Hacia Culebra' ~ 'Looking Towards Culebra'
Oleo en gessobord ~ Oil on gessobord
7"x5" ~ 18 cm x 13 cm

I'm working on a grouping of small oil paintings for the opening of the new art gallery in our area. This is the view from my porch, looking east toward the north end of the little Puerto Rican island of Culebra with Lobo and Lobito cays. When we had our sailboat the two cays were a favorite stop if the ocean swells were low. We are looking at both the Atlantic (left/north) and the Caribbean (right/south).


Estoy trabajando en un serie de oleos pequenos para la abertura de la nueva galeria de arte en nuestra area. Este es la vista desde mi balcon, mirando hacia el este del lado norte de Culebra con sus cayos Lobo y Lobito. Cuando tuvieramos el velero esos dos cayos eran una parada favorita si el oleaje era bajo. Estamos viendo al Oceano Atlantico (izquierda/norte) y el Caribe (derecha/sur).

Friday, October 09, 2009

'Into the Wilderness' ~ 'A tierra virgen'
Solar plate print ~ Grabado fotogravure
6"x4" ~ 15 cm x 10 cm

In May we took a trip to Alaska's historic Gold Rush area. I was awed, especially by the difficulty of access to this vast northern area. We went on one of the Cruise West ships and, because it was one of the small ships, we were able to go to areas that are inaccessible to the gigantic cruise lines. In Tracy's Arm we saw a small seaplane going who know where...


En mayo hicimos un viaje a Alaska, la area de el dicho 'Gold Rush' donde descubriyeron oro hace anos atras. Me impresiono muchisimo, especialmente la dificultad del aceso a la mayoria del esta area nortena. Fuimos en un barco de Cruise West and, por ser uno de los cruceros pequenos, pudieramos ir a areas inacesibles a los cruceros gigantescos. En la area de Tracy's Arm vimos un avioneta yendo a no se donde...